Both, I mean it depends on what each member of our team is inspired by. Sometimes it can be an image that caught our attention while surfing the net, that we think is aestheticly pleasing or maybe a song we heard that we think might be perfect for our page. Of course we tend to focus more on music than on images but it does not mean it is less important, because a song with the right picture can give you a whole different mood.
Based on different types of people in our planet every song and every photo have different interpretations and meanings but one target: to connect with other souls through music.
The Aesthetic Team
For example this photo. This personally brings me back to the past, not only for the polaroid photos but also for the black&white effect. For sure I would like to combine it with a nostalgic song, but everyone can use it with less sad songs.
P.S. I remind you we are not the owners of the songs or the pictures.